Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cultivable lands squandered to Housing plots? what a tragic loss???

Cultivable lands squandered to Housing plots? what a tragic loss???
          It is clearly visible; vast tracts of lush green, cultivable, fertile lands suddenly turning into hot cakes for the real estate hawks and  changing it to housing plots. Agricultural lands which have been cultivated by farmers for generations should never be converted into housing plots. It is killing the goose laying the golden eggs. If these fertlie lands are ursurped by short sighted land hawks, then the time is not far off when as a nation we have to import food grains from other countries. Development is essential, but there must be a vision, reason and mission to utilise only barren or uncultivable tracts of land for industries, housing and other large scale development projects. Unless a strong legislation is made and enforced, this dangerous leeching would slowly and steadily wipe out our golden, fertile lands and only concrete jungles would remain. The farming community particularly the small level are a very unfortunate lot, this so-called development has given them a raw deal and left them high and dry. Jai jawan, Jai Kisan is not the say today and unless the agro society is nurtured and given a premier status in all aspects like availability of dedicated manpower, accessible cold storage facilities, reasonable price for farm produce, scientific farming tech know how, incentive for co-operative farming, protection from greedy middlemen and landlords, our nation will loose irreplacable precious fertile lands in the name of development. Raise your voice and act before it is too late.....

1 comment:

  1. Cant agree more with you.. But land mafia and sand mafaia are a curse to us....


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